Key audit matter The procedures performed to address the
key audit matter
Valuation of Investment and Own-Use
Investment and own use property comprise
owned land and buildings that is either held for
the purpose of generating long-term lease
revenue or capital gains or is used by the
Company and its subsidiaries for its
The Group measures investment and own-use
property at fair value. At 31 December 2021,
the book value of investment property of the
Company and the Group amounts to €74.1mn
and €41.3mn respectively and the book value
of own-use property amounts to €42.3mn and
€81.5mn respectively.
Fair value is determined by external valuers
and is based on prices prevailing in active real
estate markets, adjusted for any differences in
the physical condition or location of the
property being valued. To the extent that
active market prices are not available,
alternative methods are used that include the
use of prices in less active markets and
discounted future cash flows. Furthermore, in
determining fair value, additional external
factors such as rental rates for similar
properties, discount rates associated with each
tenant's operating activity, and current market
conditions, are considered.
This is considered a key audit matter because
of the:
• Relative size of the investment and
own-use property to the total assets of
the Company and the Group.
• Assumptions and estimates made by
management and their external valuers
in the valuation process.
• Sensitivity of valuations to key input
assumptions, specifically discount
rates and future rental income.
We obtained Management’s valuation reports for
the year ended 31 December 2021, that were
prepared by certified external valuers.
We compared the fair value of property to the
book values in the Company’s and the Group's
accounting records.
We evaluated and confirmed the independence,
objectivity and competence of the Company’s and
the Group’s certified external valuers.
We compared the fair values at 31 December 2021
with those at 31 December 2020 in order to assess
whether their change was in line with market
trends. For the properties that either contribute a
material value to the total book value of
investment and own-use property or that result in
significant fair value deviations, we obtained and
evaluated the valuation reports of Management’s
certified external valuers.
Our procedures with respect to the valuation
reports, also included:
• Assessing the appropriateness of the
methodologies used.
• Evaluating the key assumptions used,
based on current market information and
future expectations.
• We examined, on a sample basis, the
accuracy and relevance of the input data
used by Management’s certified external
• With the support of our external real
estate valuation experts, from the total
population of properties, we focused on
those with the highest fair values, and we
determined that the resulting values are
within acceptable valuation ranges, based
on market information.
Notwithstanding the subjectivity associated with
determining valuations for individual properties
and the existence of alternative assumptions and