

Since social responsibility is an integral part of the Group’s culture, Autohellas contributes to society in every way possible. With social contributions numerous other benefits arise for tourism, employment, local communities and the public purse.

  • Support for vulnerable social groups

Through donations and sponsorships, the Autohellas Group supports weak and vulnerable social groups. Among the actions for 2017, typical examples of social contributions are the donations that have been made to the Hara Centre for Individuals with Special Needs, the Smile of the Child, the Corfu Orphanage, the Friends of PIKPA Voulas-Pentelis, the Ark of the World and the Elpida Association of Friends of Children with Cancer.

  • Support for education and research

In 2017, Autohellas supported the ALBA Graduate Business School as well as the School Committee for Secondary Education with donations. It also takes an active part in the education of young people by offering workplace placement in the Group’s offices in Greece.

  • Support for local communities and showcasing the country’s cultural heritage

The Group provides practical support for the country’s cultural heritage through donations and sponsorships. In 2017 it was the sponsor of a biographical film about Nikos Kazantzakis while in the past it has offered sponsorships to various film productions on Greek history.
The Autohellas Group’s support for local communities can be seen in practice in its annual payments of the costs and repairs of part of the service fleet of the Greek Police and in donations to the Financial Crimes Police and the Cybercrime Prosecution Service since 2012. The Autohellas Group also supports the Municipality of Kifissia with monetary contributions.

  • Promotion of sports

Through its companies, the Autohellas Group is a sponsor of KAE Kifissia sports club, an official supporter of KAE Psychiko, was a proud supporter of the Greek Olympic Team and of the “Greece, you can” programme, and was a major supporter of the lighting of the Olympic Flame.

  • High-quality services

The services that Autohellas offers its customers are of high quality at all stages of a car rental, from the selection, booking and servicing of the customer at all stages, as far as rewarding members of the Hertz Gold Plus Rewards and Fly and Drive programmes through the collaboration with Aegean Airlines and Olympic Air.

Special mention must be made of those Autohellas services that offer customers advanced technological solutions, such as the innovative online fleet management platform as well as for booking appointments for the maintenance or repair of their vehicles at one of the partner repair shops, easily and quickly from their computer, smartphone or tablet. At the same time, customers can enjoy great services and benefits as they save time when booking a car. The Group’s Call Centre is made up of specialised staff who can manage reservations and requests, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Finally, special attention is given to social media, where Autohellas is active in an open dialogue with the public, answering questions and informing the public of any developments and news.


Autohellas Tourist and Trading Societe Anonyme

31 Viltanioti Str.
145 64, Kifissia, Athens

Tel: +30 210 6264000



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